What are sad thoughts? what things made us sad? (2022-2023)

raastofficial What are sad thoughts? what things made us sad? (2022-2023)

Sad Thoughts


A feeling of anguish caused by damage, disappointment, or other disaster suffered by oneself or others is called Sorrow. "But the concept of sorrow is just that—a concept." We become depressed and unhappy when we are constantly worrying about the things we do not have. But in the real world, sadness never goes away. It’s just a state of mind.


why we get into it?

We always run after the happiness but got tired to achieving it.

However, happiness is all around you; you simply occasionally can't notice it.

But getting sad and thinking about these things is completely normal and helps us to achieve the real bliss, that makes us thoughtful and let us focus on the important things.

But sometimes we run out of words to express the feeling when it is needed.

 So, RAAST share some thoughts in this folio

The thoughts or about:



Reality checks



When our dreams or expectations are not realized, disappointments might happen. They are a normal part of life. They can be challenging to deal with and result in melancholy, irritability, and dissatisfaction.


Regrets are a common human experience. They can arise when we think about things that we wish we had done differently in the past. It's natural to have regrets, but it's important to remember that we cannot change the past.

Reality checks

A reality check is a way of evaluating your thoughts and beliefs against the facts of a situation to determine their accuracy and reality. Reality checks can be helpful for managing difficult emotions and for making decisions that are grounded in the real world.


Frustration is a common emotion that can arise when we encounter obstacles or challenges that prevent us from achieving our goals or satisfying our needs. It can be a difficult emotion to deal with, but there are things that you can try to help you cope with it.

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