Showing posts with label Romantic-Expression-English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romantic-Expression-English. Show all posts

Story of love | free poem

by June 22, 2024

Story of love | free poem| all poetry | love poetry | english poetry | best english poetry about love | love story | english love story
 Story of love 

 Story Of Love

Who is aware of me by my name?
I’m an enamored lover, all recognition is by your name
Throughout the night you were the remembrance of gathering
No rival remained, everyone is meant by your words
As you walk i would place my palms beneath your feet
Whenever have i denied this task?
From your recitation and remembrance, A light shone,
Even the nightingale is no longer afraid, now of the evening
I’m now free from the worry of alliance
This story of love is without an end


Eyes | Romantic poetry about Eyes | English poetry

by May 06, 2024

Eyes | Romantic poetry about Eyes | English poetry | all poetry | romantic poetry in english | 2 line english poetry | english status
Eyes | Romantic poetry about Eyes | English poetry

 The verse reached from her eyes to my diary

My heart with bad taste, today reached to the poetry.


Permanent Love , English Romantic love poetry

by January 18, 2024


Permanent Love , English Romantic love poetry
Permanent Love | English Romantic love poetry 

The love That Permanently resides in the heart,

I feel that for you.


Full Moon | Romantic poetry | Love poem | English poetry

by September 25, 2023

Full Moon | Romantic poetry | Love poem | English poetry
Full Moon | Romantic poetry | Love poem | English poetry


In the moon's soft embrace we lay,

Whispering secrets, come what may.

Under stars that shimmer and swoon,

Makes our love shines bright, like the full moon.


love | romantic | poetry online | all poetry | quotes

by September 02, 2023

love | romantic | poetry online | all poetry | quotes
love | romantic | poetry online | all poetry | quotes

After the first rain of love,

everything becomes like pearls in seashell


Love | English poetry about love

by August 22, 2023

Love | English poetry about love
Love | English poetry about love

 Love is the palette that paints the story of two hearts blending into one.


Expression of love | English quote

by May 26, 2023

Flowers | Romantic poetry in English

by May 18, 2023

Dream | Romantic English poetry 2 lines

by May 17, 2023

See You Again | Love poetry in english

by May 11, 2023

Glimpse | Love Quote in English

by May 03, 2023

Chaand Raat Special | Eid- ul-Fitar 2023

by April 21, 2023

Your Swindler Gaze | English love poetry 2 lines

by April 05, 2023

Evocative | English love poetry 2 lines

by March 25, 2023

Eyes of the love | English Romantic poetry

by March 21, 2023

My Heart Ties | English poetry 2 lines

by March 20, 2023

I'll Become your Shade | poetry in English

by March 15, 2023

Strange Trouble | Romantic English Poetry

by March 09, 2023

Story | Romantic English Poetry

by March 07, 2023

Story | Romantic English Poetry
Story | Romantic English Poetry


As I saw You
I feel like intoxicated
I was not a reader
I just remembered you in love
There is no scent from heaven
Oh yes! your scarf is next to me
The moment I didn't think of you
I wasted it 
That's just the story
Played It wherever wanted

I wasted it | Romantic English Poetry

by March 05, 2023
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